Projector for iOS (2021.1.1) is available now

Projector for iOS version 2021.1.1 is now available in the Apple App Store.

This is a maintenance release that fixes one issue in the 2021.1.0 release: a crash when doing a “pull to refresh” on the Layout Picker.

If you have not yet done an update from the 2021.0.3 version, then you will automatically get the latest (2021.1.1) release from the App Store when you do decide to update. And, if you already updated to 2021.1.0, Projector will remind you that a new update (this release) is available.

For those who are testing the Projector for macOS 2021.1.0 (Beta 3) release, the crash seen on iOS does not happen on macOS, so I won’t be doing an update to the macOS release as it’s not necessary.

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